I need to get on oak's mailing list so I'll know when they'll have a sale.
Actually I should probably just buy it. One perfect pair of oxford heels to wear for the next 20 years. Economical, right? And black oxfords never go out of style.
just to make sure, I'm asking you: SHOULD I BUY expensive shoes???
(It's also a good percentage of my rent!)
3 kommenttia:
What brand of shoes?
275 for a pair of shoes is a bit ridic.. most i've spent is 200.
then again, most i've spent on dj equipment is a pair of CDJ-800s.
depends what you'll get more utility from.
Ah.. only if you have money.. Otherwise, I don't see the point in expensive shoes. There're plenty of really awesome shoes that go on sale, you just have to look hard enough! Are those shoes REALLY worth it?? Only get them if you think you'll die w/o them. That's how most things should be purchased, I feel, at least! Haha.
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