torstai 31. joulukuuta 2009
keskiviikko 30. joulukuuta 2009
tiistai 29. joulukuuta 2009
Marco V - When The Night Falls
From: The Netherlands
EP: When The Night Falls
Release Date: 17.nov.2009
Genre: Trance – male vocal
Rating: BOMB!
When The Night Falls EP (original + dub), 320kbps
maanantai 28. joulukuuta 2009
taishan towers
Photo by: Alan Chin
Fortresses Inspired by West Crumble in a New China, NYtimes article
I visited this place when I went to China a few years ago. My dad's side of the family is from Taishan, which is actually pronounced toisan in Cantonese, and hoisan (with more of a down tone) in taishanese/toisanhua/hoisan, the local dialect.
lauantai 26. joulukuuta 2009
shh: when you ask why they look so upset
Josie: Hey Ethan!
Ethan: [heavy sigh] Hey, Josie.
Josie: Why the long face?
Ethan: What are you talking about?
Josie: Your face. Just now, you look mad or sad or something.
Ethan: I was just thinking.
Josie: About something sad?
Ethan: What, is this an interrogation? Do I need to relate a sordid tale now? Christ, are you expecting something about how I didn’t get a puppy when I turned 8, and instead I got a fucking trumpet, and I was so mad I threw it on the carpet and I thought it would be fine because it’s carpet but the bell crumpled and everyone yelled at me and so I’m all fucked up now?
Josie: Sorry. Jesus. Just wondered if something’s wrong.
Ethan: Do you really want to have a conversation about this? Do you really fucking want to get into all the reasons we should be fucking terrified? Glenn Beck is on TV telling his 3 million bobble-headed viewers the Three-Fifths Compromise was a step toward abolition, voters are shooting down gay marriage left and right, the ice caps are melting, we’re spending more money in the Middle East in a day than I’ll see in my entire wasted existence and Sarah Palin’s book was a bestseller on Amazon before it fucking came out. We’re on the brink of a fucking apocalypse. Anyone who’s happy is either deluded, misinformed or just fucking stupid.
Josie: …so nothing’s up with you today?
Ethan: Me? I’m actually having a really good morning. This is just my default face.
perjantai 25. joulukuuta 2009
Infected Mushroom - Killing Time
Click the YouTube logo and watch in YT window, larger and "HQ".
Infected Mushroom live @the Regency, San Francisco, CA. 17.07.2009
OMG I wish I were there! But I was still down in San Diego doing stupid summer classes! Gyahhzz! But big ups to the guy who took and uploaded the vid. The performance looks EXCELLENT! definitely rocked hard. (who says psy trance doesn't rock crowds? looking forward to when psy trance gets main stage. remember John 00 Fleming at Nocturnal, hella rocked it.)
Infected Mushroom live @the Regency, San Francisco, CA. 17.07.2009
OMG I wish I were there! But I was still down in San Diego doing stupid summer classes! Gyahhzz! But big ups to the guy who took and uploaded the vid. The performance looks EXCELLENT! definitely rocked hard. (who says psy trance doesn't rock crowds? looking forward to when psy trance gets main stage. remember John 00 Fleming at Nocturnal, hella rocked it.)
and OMG WHAT??!!?!?!!? (yes, I really need that many question marks and exclamatory points.)
ZOMG WHAT THE HELLLL I am going to miss them yet another time! Dx major fail at going to see IM. And Christopher Lawrence is guest opening DJ. How good is that? =[ You should go and take a lot of videos for me, so I can experience them vicariously. :T Tickets are $28 online, $38.60 after their "service charges".
Anyhow, MERRY CHRISTMAS! I managed a squeeze in a music post (even though it's non-download). :)
torstai 24. joulukuuta 2009
homeless hipsters
Leaving in a few hours to drive up to Tahoe for a short va-cay, coming back on Christmas Day. Going with the mother and aunt and uncle. And the 3 bratty little cousins. Oh I hope they sleep on the car ride up, so I can listen to my trance in peace and nap.
keskiviikko 23. joulukuuta 2009
bento box artists
tiistai 22. joulukuuta 2009
Zhou Yu's Train (2004) review
Romantic Drama, 93 mins, Hong Kong/China
Director: Sun Zhou
Starring: Tony Leung Kar-Fai, Li Gong, Sun Honglei
A porcelain painter (as in artisan, played by Gong Li) takes the train twice a week to Chong Yang, quite a far distance, to see her lover boyfriend poet Chen Ching. Later she meets another guy, a veterinarian, Zhang Qiang (played by Sun Honglei).
—my short concise summary (also not wanting to spoil anything). For more, IMDB.
This film is beautifully shot. I'm finding that I'm really liking this sort of cinematic style. The story is "chopped up", sort of lots of flashbacks, but more like cutbacks to short moments, plus later it will all seem like sort of a flashback, with the addition of Xiu (also played by Gong Li—meaning: remember, different characters, just also played by Gong Li, don't get confused). But this cut-back style serves to show the theme of confusion: torn between the two lovers, the two new lovers trying to find out their love's previous loves..
Poetry is another prominent theme in this film. Two of Chen Ching's poems are recited multiple times. Lines that one character says are said by another in similar situations at different times. This film is truly a beautiful piece of cinematic poetry.
I would definitely watch this again. Have to return it back to the library tomorrow, though. Kinda wish I had watched it earlier, it was lying around my relative's house for a while, but the old film cover/poster art made it seem like it was erotic-heavy and would have made me feel uncomfortable about asking to borrow it. Newer poster art for comparison.
Highly recommended!
SFgate review (scroll down, after Zatoichi). And here's is a good review on IMDB you can read (the one titled "Train Painted On A Vase"). But I advise not reading too much plot summaries and reviews, and rather to just watch it. I usually go into films without having seen trailers and knowing much about the story and only on knowing if the films received good reviews/ratings.
And if you're into art house, foreign films, and Gong Li (superb performance!), this is a must-watch.
maanantai 21. joulukuuta 2009
sunnuntai 20. joulukuuta 2009
lauantai 19. joulukuuta 2009
Natural Born Killers;; Lolita
The media is like the weather, only it's man-made weather.
—Mickey, Natural Born Killers (1994)
Okay, I guess this is really turning into a regular cool-stuff-posting general blog. Takes a few too many minutes more to write music posts. Also because I haven't been scouring for music lately. Winter break started. I worked a couple full days already at my aunt's restaurant in Berkeley. (Party Sushi, 1776 Shattuck. Come visit me if you're in the area! :) ) Going to make a website for business, and I'm updating the to-go menu.
I'm trying to watch a film every night during winter break.
So far I've watched:
Natural Born Killers (1994), AWESOME 90s film! Director Oliver Stone's over-the-top satire on America media culture, story by Quentin Tarantino.
Lolita (1997), sad story. and Humbert looks older than I had imagined from reading the novel. (edit: oh. He's a 45 year-old professor. Guess I forgot that. I read it 4 years ago.) If you haven't read the novel, I HIGHLY recommend it. Beautiful prose, with (a lot) of archaic English words that if you try to look up each one you don't know, will quickly grow frustrated, written by Vladimir Nabokov, for whom English was his actually his second language.
I really want to delve into more 90s films. Yay for my local Berkeley video store, Elmwood Videots! And my favourite library (not that I've been to a lot), the Claremont Branch of the Berkeley Public Library!
perjantai 18. joulukuuta 2009
torstai 17. joulukuuta 2009
Obama's accomplishments
keskiviikko 16. joulukuuta 2009
DJ Dan & Steve Aoki @theRegency, pres. by Ruby Skye
Ja, ich nehme teil, mit Freundinnen.
wird Spaß macht!
tiistai 15. joulukuuta 2009
maanantai 14. joulukuuta 2009
jl godard
The scale of it looks remarkably similar to what’s often called “no-budget” filmmaking now-a-days, no? Camera’s about the size of an EX3. Lit by household lamps. Director pushing a wheelchair for the “dolly”.
And well shit, while I’m waxing authoritative about indie filmmaking and A bout de souffle (and I know most of you already know, but for those who don’t, the english title is “Breathless” and it’s mandatory viewing for artsy fartsy film snobs like us), here’s an already widely known tidbit that I’ll hereby take heroic credit for spreading a teency weency wider.
The filmmaker pictured above, Jean-Luc Godard, was a film critic before he made movies. He and a bunch of other thinker/writer/cineastes upkept a periodical called Cahier du cinema. Nowadays, historians tend to attribute these guys with beginning to convince the world that film was not mere pulp and circus but was indeed a form of art.
The story continues that one day, some filmmaker who had perhaps received some negative criticism from the Cahier, or perhaps not, I don’t really know, I’m half making this up, put the question to them. If you guys have so much to say about movies, why don’t you make some yourselves?
So they did. Of course, they didn’t have the resources had by the standard filmmaking endeavors of the day. But they didn’t try to imitate the glossy look of Hollywood’s golden age. Instead, they embraced their limited resources and created what everyone now calls the “New Wave” that spread out into the crop of American masterpieces in the late 60s and 70s — Raging Bull, Badlands — all the way into the “Independent” movies of the 90s — Pulp Fiction, Sling Blade.
It seems to me that this is a pertinent story to tell here among the internauts for a couple reasons. First is the obvious analogy of adapting limited resources into a new genuine aesthetic rather than imitating the established one. Second, there sure are a lot of critics online. Now writing comments about movies and videos is cool and all. But for my bet, RECords are way more fun to make than Remarks.
—reblogged from hitrecordjoe
sunnuntai 13. joulukuuta 2009
Trei - Thunder Biscuit
Title: Thunder Biscuit
Genre: Drum & Bass
Label: Samurai Music
Release Date: 30.oct.2009
EP: Thunder Biscuit / Innuendo
Rating: Sehr gut.
lauantai 12. joulukuuta 2009
oregon winter
photos by samantha w. and alexa f, 2009.
Got back home today. Flight delayed for 20 minutes, but didn't start boarding until after that time, so I actually ended up arriving in OAK an hour later than originally planned. Tired. Didn't do all that much today either. A friend took me out to brunch, we hung out and then he dropped me off at the airport. I got boarding position A35 (yay!) and went to sleep with trance around the world on immediately after I seated myself next to a window.
Going to go yum cha with grandparents tomorrow, then going to church/visit church friends (1pm service FTW!), and visit a Berkeley/Cal friend. Then when I get back home maybe I'll finally organize my desktop and music and deal with transferring everything onto my new 1TB external hard drive, and after that maybe even restore my whole old Compaq Windows laptop or something. Then I should be on my way to reading a book and watching movies and chillin'.
And posting links to musikz.
perjantai 11. joulukuuta 2009
torstai 10. joulukuuta 2009
wall of blessing
keskiviikko 9. joulukuuta 2009
tiistai 8. joulukuuta 2009
definitely goes well with the other
explosions and boobs
Energy Econ final today was alright. I just wasn't sure how to do one of the 2 calculation problems. German final tomorrow, German conversation and Int'l101 final on Thursday, then Scandinavian Politics right after Environmental Economics final on Friday. Then wooot, Launataina! Seeing a special friend for a bit and then flying back home. Winter break! Yeeeah.
maanantai 7. joulukuuta 2009
texting: the hipster way
Let us suppose that a hipster girl named Marni is out on the town with a gaggle of other hipsters, kickin’ it at a local watering hole’s massive experimental jazz dance night. She recently met a hipster boy when she was at her friend’s DJ thing at that bar that no one goes to anymore, but she went because, you know, Liam is at least trying to make something of himself (even though he lives in Jersey and gets wasted pretty much every day). For some reason she and this dude with an impressive neck tat started talking. She was struck by his passion for the Irish author James Joyce and his piercing blue eyes. He was struck by her knowledge of French New Wave films and the fact that she touched his arm a lot. They exchanged digits. They haven’t actually gone out yet, but have been volleying back witty texts about the cinematic score of The Virgin Suicides and Neck Tat’s slight Napoleon Complex for days now. It’s late. Marni is feeling kind of lonely/blue, so—bolstered by whiskey and against the advice of her friends—she shoots a text to Neck Tat (who is entered in her phone as such, as she does not give romantic interests real names until they earn that right—they never do).
To: Neck tat
Hey, I’m at Trophy Bar, if you’re around.
Sent: Thurs, Nov 12 11:45 p.m.
Marni stares at her phone for the next hour and a half. She puts it in her pocket, set to vibrate so that she will know when Neck Tat deigns to answer. She wonders, frantic, whether she’s fucked things up by contacting him as the minutes tick by.
Meanwhile, Neck Tat, sprawled on the floor of his friend’s loft, receives and reads the text immediately. He put his phone back on the floor next to the pile of empty Tecate cans and ruminates on what to say. No fucking way is he going to answer after, like, five minutes like some kind of desperate clod. No.fucking.way. After the requisite hour and a half, he flips open his phone.
From: Neck Tat
I’m at home. Come by and hang with me.
Received: Fri, Nov 12 1:15 a.m.
Marni, being smashed out her mind at this point, texts him back immediately, asking what his address is.
Back at Hipster Douchebag headquarters, Neck Tat peeps the text, flips his phone closed, drains a Tecate and settles in for about 30 minutes before the next text. Marni continues to drink.
That’s right, children: Although technology has made it possible for us to contact each other in mere seconds, hipsters have de-evolutionized the concept of communication, taking us back to the dark ages. You might as well send a fucking telegram, because the average hipster texts at the speed of a carrier pigeon.
Stuff Hipsters Hate: Texting You Back in a Timely Fashion
sunnuntai 6. joulukuuta 2009
by a. litak
Finals week. Must record good demo to turn in tomorrow for "Let's Bounce" tryouts.
Must study. Was not feeling too stressed, but now: yeah, pretty much. First final is on Tuesday, but I feel like I really should know everything on the freaking subject.
After finals and go home: music posts.
lauantai 5. joulukuuta 2009
shit's too scene
Jane: So how do you like living in Greenpoint?
Toby: I dunno, I used to like it, but now it’s just too much of a scene.
Jane: Oh, I get that. I just moved here and I can already totally appreciate that. I’m thinking of getting a bike soon. Seems like a good thing to have around here.
Toby: Oh, I was thinking of getting a bike, too. But then there’s all those bike kids around all the time, like, talking about vintage frames and shit. It’s just become too much of a scene.
Jane: Oh, well. I just thought it would be easier than taking the bus, but I can see what you mean. Do you go to a lot of shows around here? Where’s good to go?
Toby: I used to go to shows more, but then it started to seem like people were going to concerts to be cool, not because they actually like the band. It’s too much of a fucking scene.
Jane: Oh, OK. I get that. I feel like that at shows sometimes. But, you know, I like seeing bands live sometimes… So what do you do for fun?
Toby: I mostly just spend a lot of time by myself…
Jane: Ah.
Toby: But that whole loner thing is starting to become too much a scene.
stuffhipstershate: when shit becomes too much of a scene
perjantai 4. joulukuuta 2009
torstai 3. joulukuuta 2009
delights and epiphanies
I have a question. It might be damn near unanswerable. It might be rhetorical, open-ended, imponderable, a bit obvious. But it also feels terrifically important, essential to a deeper understanding of how time and love and eternity function in this meek and humble terrestrial plane we call reality. Or maybe that's just the sake talking. Shall we find out?
A very nice column by Mark Morford, devoid of political bashing and whatnot.
keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2009
tiistai 1. joulukuuta 2009
maanantai 30. marraskuuta 2009
dy/dt - practice mix 30.nov
1. Cosmic Gate feat. Aruna - Under Your Spell (Myon & Shane 54 Remix)
2. Empire of the Sun - We Are The People (Wawa Remix)
3. Josh Gabriel pres. Winter Kills - Deep Down (Original Mix)
4. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (Original Mix)
5. Richard Durand - Always the Sun (Original Mix)
6. Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (DJ Tiesto's In Search Of Sunrise Remix)
7. Above & Beyond vs Andy Moor - Air For Life (Original Mix)
8. tyDi - You Walk Away (Original Mix)
2. Empire of the Sun - We Are The People (Wawa Remix)
3. Josh Gabriel pres. Winter Kills - Deep Down (Original Mix)
4. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (Original Mix)
5. Richard Durand - Always the Sun (Original Mix)
6. Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek (DJ Tiesto's In Search Of Sunrise Remix)
7. Above & Beyond vs Andy Moor - Air For Life (Original Mix)
8. tyDi - You Walk Away (Original Mix)
256kbps/94mb/51mins/vocal trance (comment and ask me for it)
I actually played a couple songs before this, but was still setting up recording. :\ those would have made the flow better. Well, just me practicing. Obviously not very good yet. Haha. I feel a bit stressed having the laptop next to me and it being on record. I mixed too early for a lot of the tracks, and having upon listened to the mix afterward, realised that I should have mixed in earlier from the first track. Haha that ending feels so long. The parts where I mixed in too early – I'm afraid of not having it on beat anymore if I have to start the next track from the beginning again or I'll miss the cue. and lol my beatmatching is still off. On headphones it doesn't sound that bad having the tracks not perfectly beatmatched, then when it's loud or I'm listening to it afterward, it's..not good. Haha. Not submitting any of this as my 15 min demo to tryout for Let's Bounce, but I think it's not all too horrible and wanted to share this with you guys. :)
*Oh, and if I had the original EXTENDED mix of "Always the Sun" that transition would have been a lot better. Ahah woot excuses.
sunnuntai 29. marraskuuta 2009
photos by: "z-rex x-ray"
Flew back down to lovely La Jolla this morning. So tired. About to head to bed early—before midnight??! Yeah, I'm that tired. Finished 3 readings for energy econ already, can't concentrate on any more readings. It's nice and cold here, too. Need to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Lebensmittel einkaufen ist ein bisschen schwerig für mich, denn ich kein auto habe, und der Bus fährt direkt von meine Nachbarschaft zur Supermarkt Centrum nicht. Ja. Zu viel deustch für dich? Naja bis später!
lauantai 28. marraskuuta 2009
holiday season: union square, SF
The lighting of an 85-foot Christmas tree at Union Square on Friday in San Francisco.
//Photo: John Storey
Erica Wong, Lydia Tang and Kaysie Yu of the San Francisco Girl Scouts Junior Troop 30227 collect donated coats for the One Warm Coat drive at the Westfield San Francisco Centre in San Francisco on Friday. The nonprofit will continue to collect coats through the Thanksgiving weekend at the concierge center in the mall. //Photo: Lianne Milton
Yesterday I went "Black Friday" shopping. As aforementioned, I really don't need any more clothes. But alas, found a few things I liked. Grey jeanpants from Ruehl. Yeah I "hate" Abercrombie & Co., but Ruehl is still less known, and the quality's a lot better, and when shit's on sale it's the same price as crappier quality junior high level Hollister. Orig. $78, scored for $20. Way overpriced, seriously. Shit's made in sweatshops in Sri Lanka, China, India, Cambodia, Indonesia. Oh, but what?! they're actually going to close Ruehl, due to "current economic conditions". :/
I also got a couple light pullover sweaters from UO. Light enough to wear in San Diego. Checked out some leather jackets at Nordstrom, but none of style that I really liked, though now instead of thinking about leather jackets exclusively in black, BROWN. I would settle for a nice brown leather jacket. My mom got a pair of New Balances on sale. Haha she's wearing young people shoes. Stylish.
Duuuude the black oxford heels from Oak are on sale! Orig. $224, now 20%– $180. Aaah still pricey but still want! But pricey trumps want. :[ ...except I do have money from working.. :/ Hmm..
perjantai 27. marraskuuta 2009
Talla2XLC ft. Skysurfer - Terra Australis
Title: Terra Australis
Release Date: 27.Nov.2009
Release Date: 27.Nov.2009
(omg I post super new muziks!)
Label: Addicted To Trance
Label: Addicted To Trance
Genre: Trance – nonvocal, uplifting, pretty fast.
Rating: Sehr Gut.
1. Terra Australis (Original Club Mix)
2. Terra Australis (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix)
Alright, I clearly see that I'm lacking in music posts. I've been blogging every day, and on the right side there you can see my archive list, and the capitalized blog post titles are the music posts. So this month so far out of 26 days I've only made 4 music posts. :X
Which is why I decided to not be so lazy and share some new trance! Instead of making an easy photo post, ahah.
torstai 26. marraskuuta 2009
curvature;; Thanksgiving
East Bay folks should know where this is. flickr: slinkydragon
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
My starving student diet is totally off this holiday weekend. My digestive system hasn't had to work this hard in so long. My metabolism's gonna get screwed up again. In San Diego I've not been eating much. On Monday or Tuesday my stomach was hurting because I barely ate. But I never feel really hungry anymore since I've been getting used to not eating so much. I have PB&J for breakfast every morning. Then on Mon or Tues I had a croissant like 5 or 6 hours later. When I got home a few more hours later I finally ate some more bread and yogurt and chocolate and my stomach didn't hurt anymore. Haha.
Feeling pretty good right now, the calm before the storm, the storm of finals week. Ahh. I've got to get downloading on all the music I used to have. Going shopping tomorrow in SF with Mom. I really don't need any more clothes, but just accompanying Mom, and I might find some good deals on stuff I'll like. But all I really need is an external hard drive. To back up my computer so I'll never lose music ever again.
BTW bike deal went down. I now own a vintage road bike. Hipster cred +50 points!
Pics sometime in the future.
+ my Korean gamer mouse ("Razer Salmosa") that I ordered from came in.
It's blitzy fast. Even setting my mouse tracking speed to a pretty low level, it's still hella fast. BAM. And I don't even play computer games.
Good quality shit makes me happy. :]
keskiviikko 25. marraskuuta 2009
tiistai 24. marraskuuta 2009
maanantai 23. marraskuuta 2009
unfinished published Nabokov
A Glorious Mess
Nabokov never wanted us to read his unfinished last novel. Unless, thrillingly, he did.
By Sam Anderson, nymag
I signed up for classes last week. 4 classes. Thinking of taking 5. There's this Russian Literature class I want to take that will give me credit for the 'regional' section of my International Studies major. The focus is on a single author: Nabokov. I really want to take it, even though it'll be a lot of work. (Evaluations: Study time/week: 6.72 hrs.) Actually I wouldn't do too well in lit classes. I only want to take it so I can read the books and discuss a bit. The writing papers part..will prove dreadful. I just really enjoy reading books. I would have liked to take AP Lit senior year in high school just to read the books, but not do any assignments or take the exam. I borrowed One Hundred Years of Solitude and Notes From the Underground from a friend who took AP Lit. Still haven't gotten around to finishing them. Hmm..I don't want to overstress myself next quarter with 5 real classes (right now I'm also taking 5 but in my mind's calculation, German doesn't really count). I'd have lots of reading to do. Hmm..aaaah..dunno.
I'm planning to study abroad next fall, 2010 in Germany. Went to a small info session today. Learned that their school year/semester system would make me miss 2 quarters. German fall semester: Oct to Feb. That means I'd miss 4 classes (quarter system). Erm..
But if I decide not to add Russian Lit: Nabokov later, I hope they'll still offer it in the future, with the focus on the same great author.
edit/add: I feel disillusioned. About a lot of things. Everything.
Maybe the feeling will pass. ie. "disillusioned youth".
sunnuntai 22. marraskuuta 2009
snow leopard
Later I turn laptop on, loading screen with the apple on it. Then it just turns off. WTF. I try again a few more times. Each time same result. Err.. I call technical support. They are closed, pacific time. This morning, I call, get some help, there is some error with the node. Not supposed to happen. NONE of this is supposed to happen, Apple! Made appt to get help at the Apple Store.
None of my shit is backed-up. I don't have an external hard drive. How much space have I used up in my macbook? 120+gb. Yes. MUSIC, a few movies, mostly music. Lots of music. I is a DJ. No external hard drive. Called up a friend who has one, but he wasn't home so couldn't bring it to me. 20gb free hard disk space in my iPod. Ok. So managed to salvage some files. Yay. That means I can do my hw reading tonight, good job. And save my pictures that I've deleted from my camera, very good. But now I've realised that I took a bunch of music that I could have easily redownloaded, instead of taking more harder-to-find trance and drum'n'bass songs. Ahhh..oh wells. All musixx is on t3h not totally lost. Just..what's lost is the result of all those hours I've spent hunting down songs and download.. Hmm I should have made one super-comprehensive blog post where I copy and paste down links to every single download I take. Aaah that would have been a good idea. Or getting an external hard drive, yeah I know. I knew I should get one, but was in no rush, and I'm no real techie, don't know which brand etc. is best to get, I can research more and consult friends regarding hard drives later during winter break.. Blah.. whatever. Not that big of deal I guess, if I had lost my photos, das wird überslimm sein. Hmm..maybe I am becoming more of the hipster type? Not caring much about shit, because shit happens, deal with it. I dunno. Whatever. My lawyer friend officially calls me a hipster now. I might buy a road bike tomorrow. If bike deal is made, yes, my hipster status goes up. I just spent 3hrs redownloading apps. Actually, not even done redownloading apps. Torrents were going so well, now it's almost at a standstill. Errh...
Alright I'm out, gotta tweak more preferences and recustomize everything to fit me.
Life is not over. If iPod died, maybe. Cuz some shit on my iPod I don't have on the computer. And twice has my iPod had to restore already, a third time.. plus this whole laptop hard drive wiped clean shit... now that would be too much.
Yay Blalock's Indie Rock Playlist finished downloading. Now I can take a break from trance internet radio (can't deal with organizing the small amount of music files I have left right now from copying from my iPod's hard disk).
lauantai 21. marraskuuta 2009
Blalock's Indie Rock Playlist
Like indie music but don't have time to frequent pitchfork, blogs, hype machine, or scour your town's small indie record shop for new bands?
Solution: Blalock's Indie Rock Playlist.
100+ songs every month.
I'm still catching up on September's playlist. Kind of hard when I'm listening on my iPod, sometime I switch genres, then when I come back to indie rock I don't remember where on the playlist I stopped at.
Not posting the playlist here, way too long. But it includes new Why?. Karen O, Mutemath, Elvis Perkins + much much more.
perjantai 20. marraskuuta 2009
Bassnectar :: Mesmerizing the Ultra
Artist: Bassnectar ; myspace
Album: Mesmerizing the Ultra
Label: Organic Music
Release Date: 15.Sept.2005
Genre(s): Dubstep, Breaks, Electro, Hip-Hop, IDM
Rating: EXCELLENT. buy buy buy!
This music is ELEVATED , REVOLUTIONARY , and INCREDIBLY FUN to experience.
This music is an open challenge, beckoning you to rise limitlessly with it beyond what you thought was possible and simultaneously infuses you with all the encouragement and vitality you'll need to do so...
From another reviewer's list of top 10 reasons to buy this album:
10) The bass on this record is so thick it will disintegrate negativity when bumped at high volume....1) When played at sufficient volume, this record will uplift your soul.
disc one (VBR):
1. Intro (1:20)
2. Mesmerizing The Ultra (4:39)
3. Sound Tribe Sector Nine / Some Sing (Bassnectar remix) (2:57)
4. blow (featuring Kyrian) (3:31)
5. The Sound (4:42)
6. Everybody (4:32)
7. Blue State Riddim (featuring Jahi & MC Lush) (5:48)
8. Force of Suction (with Nickoftime) (4:48)
9. Until Next Time (2:25)
10. Leprechauns Arise (featuring Sunru Skywaka) (6:00)
11. Bursting (with Buckethead) (2:13)
12. Enter The Chamber (with sAyr) (5:16)
13. In The Beginning (2:19)
14. Agent Squish (4:26)
15. Parade Into Centuries (4:03)
16. Everybody (Freq Nasty & Bassnectar remix) (8:09)
disc two (192kbps):
1. Intro (featuring Noam chomsky) (0:54)
2. Replenish (6:18)
3. The Wicked Twitch of The West (3:44)
4. Laughter Crescendo (5:14)
5. Creation Lullabye (5:37)
6. Pleasure The Bassnympho (5:10)
7. Simultaneous (7:57)
8. Segg Weigh (0:36)
9. David Seied - ARF (Bassnectar remix) (5:18)
10. Dorfex Bos - Dorfex Bos (Bassnectar remix) (5:14)
11. Breathing (with sayr) (3:30)
12. Dubuasca (with kang) (6:54)
13. Nostalgia Worship (6:46)
14. Skin (featuring Suga) (3:19)
15. Inspire The Empathic (5:32)
16. Enthusiasm is Contagious (2:38)
17. Heavyweight Dub Champion & KRS One - Arrival (Bassnectar remix) (4:53)
1. Intro (1:20)
2. Mesmerizing The Ultra (4:39)
3. Sound Tribe Sector Nine / Some Sing (Bassnectar remix) (2:57)
4. blow (featuring Kyrian) (3:31)
5. The Sound (4:42)
6. Everybody (4:32)
7. Blue State Riddim (featuring Jahi & MC Lush) (5:48)
8. Force of Suction (with Nickoftime) (4:48)
9. Until Next Time (2:25)
10. Leprechauns Arise (featuring Sunru Skywaka) (6:00)
11. Bursting (with Buckethead) (2:13)
12. Enter The Chamber (with sAyr) (5:16)
13. In The Beginning (2:19)
14. Agent Squish (4:26)
15. Parade Into Centuries (4:03)
16. Everybody (Freq Nasty & Bassnectar remix) (8:09)
disc two (192kbps):
1. Intro (featuring Noam chomsky) (0:54)
2. Replenish (6:18)
3. The Wicked Twitch of The West (3:44)
4. Laughter Crescendo (5:14)
5. Creation Lullabye (5:37)
6. Pleasure The Bassnympho (5:10)
7. Simultaneous (7:57)
8. Segg Weigh (0:36)
9. David Seied - ARF (Bassnectar remix) (5:18)
10. Dorfex Bos - Dorfex Bos (Bassnectar remix) (5:14)
11. Breathing (with sayr) (3:30)
12. Dubuasca (with kang) (6:54)
13. Nostalgia Worship (6:46)
14. Skin (featuring Suga) (3:19)
15. Inspire The Empathic (5:32)
16. Enthusiasm is Contagious (2:38)
17. Heavyweight Dub Champion & KRS One - Arrival (Bassnectar remix) (4:53)
dl links from jadro pedla
torstai 19. marraskuuta 2009
keskiviikko 18. marraskuuta 2009
hipsters vs. scenesters
Attention, children, hopped up on ADD meds and Internet juice. It’s time to learn some vocab before your frenzied foray into the weekend wars (Yeah, I just referenced MGMT—deal with it). Now, I know some of you are planning a little sightseeing at your local hipster enclave come sundown. Some of you may even attempt to wear a knit cap ironically and/or test out those suspenders you bought at Goodwill last weekend. Well, be warned—you’re about to embody the textbook definition of yet another thing hipsters hate: Scenesters.
While people often use the terms “hipster” and “scenester” interchangeably, they are actually quite distinct. Observe the following definitions, compliments of Merriam-Webster:
Hipster: A person who is unusually aware of and interested in new and unconventional patterns (as in jazz or fashion).
Scenester: A person who frequents a social or cultural scene.
Take that in slowly, gentle reader. A scenester doesn’t actually live the lifestyle—he/she merely “frequents” it, acting as a cultural tourist. Therefore, after dancing wildly at Glasslands with all the longhairs, the scenester cabs it back home, where sweatpants, Sunny DVDs and a generously stocked fridge are waiting. The hipster, on the other hand, is “unusually aware of and interested in” every aspect of the scene, such that every moment is spent contemplating “new and unconventional patterns!” Patterns that often involve sneaking onto the bar’s patio in the dead of winter, getting too smashed to successfully hail a cab, literally crawling down one’s street on one’s hand and knees, passing out in the door frame, waking and realizing one has no food to speak of and ruing one’s wasted existence. Fuck “frequenting” a scene—a hipster marinates in it. Anything else is just hipster lite.
tiistai 17. marraskuuta 2009
120mm b&w
maanantai 16. marraskuuta 2009
sunnuntai 15. marraskuuta 2009
i, hipster, also hate..
Craig: What are you doing tonight?
Hazel: Dunno. Otis just texted me asking the same thing. Gus and Faceplant are gonna have people over later, I guess, and supposedly Luca’s having some party. But I bet all those stupid Columbia girls he hangs out with are gonna be there so I don’t really wanna go.
Craig: I think some of us are gonna go to Sheena’s gallery opening thingie and then smoke at Regina’s, you wanna come?
Hazel: Ugh, I cannot stand either of those girls. They’re so fake and like, guy-obsessed. Like everything in life is about meeting guys.
Craig: Uh, aren’t almost all of your friends guys?
Hazel: Yeah, cuz girls are bitches! They’re all judgmental and catty and into gossip and shit. I’m such a dude at heart. I was totally born into the wrong gender.
Craig: Maybe that’s why that guy mistook you for a man from behind at the Charleston on Tuesday.
Hazel: Whatever, it isn’t my fault that I look good with short hair and that every male on Bedford is wearing a plaid shirt on his emaciated shoulders and skinny jeans over his girlishly small hips. Hey, I might just go to Milo’s and drink beer. He got She’s All That at a stoop sale last weekend for, like, 25 cents. On tape.
Craig: I don’t get why you guys aren’t dating.
Hazel: No way, man. I love Milo so much. So much. He treats the girls he dates like shit, he knows that. Right now we’re like, best friends. We would never go and fuck that up by dating. Fuck, no.
Craig: But you have fucked.
Hazel: Whatever.
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