lauantai 28. marraskuuta 2009

holiday season: union square, SF

The lighting of an 85-foot Christmas tree at Union Square on Friday in San Francisco.
//Photo: John Storey

Erica Wong, Lydia Tang and Kaysie Yu of the San Francisco Girl Scouts Junior Troop 30227 collect donated coats for the One Warm Coat drive at the Westfield San Francisco Centre in San Francisco on Friday. The nonprofit will continue to collect coats through the Thanksgiving weekend at the concierge center in the mall. //Photo: Lianne Milton

Yesterday I went "Black Friday" shopping. As aforementioned, I really don't need any more clothes. But alas, found a few things I liked. Grey jeanpants from Ruehl. Yeah I "hate" Abercrombie & Co., but Ruehl is still less known, and the quality's a lot better, and when shit's on sale it's the same price as crappier quality junior high level Hollister. Orig. $78, scored for $20. Way overpriced, seriously. Shit's made in sweatshops in Sri Lanka, China, India, Cambodia, Indonesia. Oh, but what?! they're actually going to close Ruehl, due to "current economic conditions". :/
I also got a couple light pullover sweaters from UO. Light enough to wear in San Diego. Checked out some leather jackets at Nordstrom, but none of style that I really liked, though now instead of thinking about leather jackets exclusively in black, BROWN. I would settle for a nice brown leather jacket. My mom got a pair of New Balances on sale. Haha she's wearing young people shoes. Stylish.

Duuuude the black oxford heels from Oak are on sale! Orig. $224, now 20%– $180. Aaah still pricey but still want! But pricey trumps want. :[ ...except I do have money from working.. :/ Hmm..

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