photos by samantha w. and alexa f, 2009.
Got back home today. Flight delayed for 20 minutes, but didn't start boarding until after that time, so I actually ended up arriving in OAK an hour later than originally planned. Tired. Didn't do all that much today either. A friend took me out to brunch, we hung out and then he dropped me off at the airport. I got boarding position A35 (yay!) and went to sleep with trance around the world on immediately after I seated myself next to a window.
Going to go yum cha with grandparents tomorrow, then going to church/visit church friends (1pm service FTW!), and visit a Berkeley/Cal friend. Then when I get back home maybe I'll finally organize my desktop and music and deal with transferring everything onto my new 1TB external hard drive, and after that maybe even restore my whole old Compaq Windows laptop or something. Then I should be on my way to reading a book and watching movies and chillin'.
And posting links to musikz.
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