Genre: Trance
From: San Francisco
short bio

short bio

Rating: SEHR GUT! One of my favorite trance mixes. Very mininum vocals, good calm down tracks.
Format: mp4 AAC 128kbps
I usu. rip to play on iPod, and I like AAC quality. You can dl a free mp4-to-mp3 converter if you prefer mp3.
[artist::track title::label]
01. Solid Globe :: North Pole :: Fundamental
02. Paul Van Dyk :: Reflections :: Vandit
03. Rapid Eye :: Stealing Beauty :: ATCR
04. Orkidea & Lowland :: Beautiful :: Unity
05. Lange :: Kilamanjaro feat. Firewall :: A State Of Trance
06. Endre :: Kallocain :: Anjunabeats
07. A Situation :: The Situation :: Fundamental
08. DJ Halperin :: Killing Spider :: Captivating Sound
09. G&M Project :: Sunday Afternoon :: Vandit
10. Floyd :: Any Given Day :: Sirup
11. Jurgen Vries :: The Theme :: Direction
01. Solid Globe :: North Pole :: Fundamental
02. Paul Van Dyk :: Reflections :: Vandit
03. Rapid Eye :: Stealing Beauty :: ATCR
04. Orkidea & Lowland :: Beautiful :: Unity
05. Lange :: Kilamanjaro feat. Firewall :: A State Of Trance
06. Endre :: Kallocain :: Anjunabeats
07. A Situation :: The Situation :: Fundamental
08. DJ Halperin :: Killing Spider :: Captivating Sound
09. G&M Project :: Sunday Afternoon :: Vandit
10. Floyd :: Any Given Day :: Sirup
11. Jurgen Vries :: The Theme :: Direction
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