On Friday I went to the Apple Store in the nearby mall and purchased a copy of Snow Leopard, thinking that I should finally upgrade, not much hw this weekend, more chill, I should get shit done. I install. Estimated time 45 mins. I go shower. I come back. Installation failed at around 30%. WTF. Restart and continue? Ok. No, still doesn't work. Disk can not be changed. . . . ? Whatever, I don't want to continue installation right now, or restart. Shut down please.
Later I turn laptop on, loading screen with the apple on it. Then it just turns off. WTF. I try again a few more times. Each time same result. Err.. I call technical support. They are closed, pacific time. This morning, I call, get some help, there is some error with the node. Not supposed to happen. NONE of this is supposed to happen, Apple! Made appt to get help at the Apple Store.
None of my shit is backed-up. I don't have an external hard drive. How much space have I used up in my macbook? 120+gb. Yes. MUSIC, a few movies, mostly music. Lots of music. I is a DJ. No external hard drive. Called up a friend who has one, but he wasn't home so couldn't bring it to me. 20gb free hard disk space in my iPod. Ok. So managed to salvage some files. Yay. That means I can do my hw reading tonight, good job. And save my pictures that I've deleted from my camera, very good. But now I've realised that I took a bunch of music that I could have easily redownloaded, instead of taking more harder-to-find trance and drum'n'bass songs. Ahhh..oh wells. All musixx is on t3h interwebz..so not totally lost. Just..what's lost is the result of all those hours I've spent hunting down songs and download.. Hmm I should have made one super-comprehensive blog post where I copy and paste down links to every single download I take. Aaah that would have been a good idea. Or getting an external hard drive, yeah I know. I knew I should get one, but was in no rush, and I'm no real techie, don't know which brand etc. is best to get, I can research more and consult friends regarding hard drives later during winter break.. Blah.. whatever. Not that big of deal I guess, if I had lost my photos, das wird überslimm sein. Hmm..maybe I am becoming more of the hipster type? Not caring much about shit, because shit happens, deal with it. I dunno. Whatever. My lawyer friend officially calls me a hipster now. I might buy a road bike tomorrow. If bike deal is made, yes, my hipster status goes up. I just spent 3hrs redownloading apps. Actually, not even done redownloading apps. Torrents were going so well, now it's almost at a standstill. Errh...
Alright I'm out, gotta tweak more preferences and recustomize everything to fit me.
Life is not over. If iPod died, maybe. Cuz some shit on my iPod I don't have on the computer. And twice has my iPod had to restore already, a third time.. plus this whole laptop hard drive wiped clean shit... now that would be too much.
Yay Blalock's Indie Rock Playlist finished downloading. Now I can take a break from trance internet radio (can't deal with organizing the small amount of music files I have left right now from copying from my iPod's hard disk).