I'm really sick of this Prop.8 shit. Seriously, P8 is just all bad, for both sides.
And the gay rainbow is getting annoying. The rainbow is a symbol that God will never again flood the world like he did in Noah's time. I just hate it when words, symbols are changed over time to mean something so completely different.
Gay people, we get it. You're gay, you wanna be with your partner for the rest of your life. Okay. Stop making such a big deal like being gay makes you so special. Stop fucking with God and everyone else. Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman. The term "gay marriage" is a contradiction. Trying to change the whole definition of marriage. Just make up a new word, get "married", be happy, shut up.
Then the other side, the "Christians" or Christians. Good job for standing up for what you believe in. But the "Christians", in quotes because they don't act christianly at all towards homosexuals screw it up for the Christians and gays. Jesus embraced everyone, sat with the tax collectors and "sinners". If he were on earth today, he'd be chillin' with the homos and the wall street execs and whoever fucked up our global economy. Just show some love and care for your homosexual neighbors instead of "God hates fags". I think both sides need to better understand each other. And they need to write up a new bill/prop/legislature/whatever the word is.
I'm not homophobic at all, except I just kinda think there were/are too many lesbians in my high school. Or maybe they're all bi, who knows. Whatever. I'm from Berkeley, know a lot more gay people that peers here would. Had a couple homosexual teachers, too. No problems.
It's been said a million times and is what I think is the solution as well:
civil unions.
A Reconciliation on Gay Marriage"Starr also argued that Prop. 8 was a modest measure that left the rights of same-sex couples undisturbed under California's domestic-partner laws and other statutes banning discrimination based on sexual orientation.
The initiative "does not erode any of the bundle of rights that this state has very generously provided," he said, but merely "restores the traditional definition of marriage."
Several justices seemed to agree. Kennard said the voters arguably "took away the label of marriage, but ... left intact most of what this court declared," including unprecedented constitutional protections for gays and lesbians." –read full article
A ruling is due within 90 days of the hearing, we'll see how this overturning Prop8 thing goes.