The next band was Cut Off Your Hands (New Zealand). I did not like them. Just not my taste in music. Indie-pop/punk, kind of punk-rock-ish with fast drums, their hair styles, and too much 'oh oh oh..' in vocals. They did put on a good show, though, I stepped out right before their second to last song because I couldn't take any more. Other people were quite enjoying them, nevertheless.
Ra Ra Riot was good. But the first few songs, I wasn't feeling it yet. Sounded a bit of a mess live, I thought they sounded better recorded. Drums were loud, everything was just kinda too loud. But later when they got to their better songs, they sounded better. Uh huh, yeah.. Will be seeing them again when they open for Death Cab for Cutie at Rimac. I guess I just wasn't very impressed. Maybe it's just me because I wasn't in too good a mood that day or having to had endure Cut Off Your Hands.
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