From: Brooklyn
Label: Friendly Fire
Release Date: 30.May.2006
Genre: shoegaze, indie, 80s pop, psychedelic
Rating: Very Good, 8.0–prefixmag
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This is electric music in every sense of the word— amplified, processed,
and imbued with a neon glow. —Pitchforkmedia Review
2. Strawberries
3. New Years
4. Thursday | CSS remix
5. Strings
6. Pink Cloud Tracing Paper
7. Red Sea
8 Goodbye
9 Lions And Tigers
10 Nefi & Girly
11 Exotic Animal Paradise
12 Mizu Asobi
The first song I've heard from this band is "I'm Happy But You Don't Like Me". And then the next song I found was "Walk on the Moon", but Yuki sings in English in that track, I didn't like it as much and went on to other music. Now a few years later I'm catching up on their music. Indie rock FTW.
They've just released their new LP titled HUSH about a week ago. I'll have to get on that.
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