Elmwood Cafe opened in March after a yearlong restoration, and Pearce, a first-time cafe owner, is thrilled to have the corner of College Avenue and Russell Street thriving anew.
"Ozzie's has been a part of the community fabric for 89 years," says Pearce, an East Bay native. "When it went under, a lot of retailers were looking at the space and thinking of gutting it. I met with the owner and said, 'Give me a shot at it. Let me save everything and restore it and try to bring it back.' "
Consider Ozzie's reborn, but with a decidedly chic slant. While Pearce kept the original woodwork and postwar stools, the new cafe's menu and decor reflect the increasingly upscale Elmwood neighborhood.
Ozzie's is reborn as Elmwood Cafe. 29.04.2010, sfgate.
Fuck me and my wallet. esp if I still lived 2 blocks down (actually 'up' is correct directional word).
College Ave. with Lulelemon, the Wine Store, Ici, that cafe next to Ici, Mrs. Dalloway's, and now Ozzie's is Elmwood Cafe... Not a bad thing, buildings and facades are renovated, neighborhood is thriving. Just that it's so much more upscale-sy and I think I'd be a bit uncomfortable if I was still living in that area. like I wouldn't fit in. Actually I feel uncomfortable about this even as I'm not living down the street there anymore. Me: broke ("low income") asian college student. Not helping that I have pretty good taste and like to try new restaurants every so often, and that when I'm back in the Bay I immediately try to cross off all the restaurants on my list whose food I've missed for too long.
fuck my wallet.
at least I'll be working full-time for a month school lets out. and I'll get free sushi. but also will be eating out most of the days of the week. and that i've been spending a lot of big-ticket music events (coachella, etd.pop, edc).. also going to look into midi controllers soon..
whatever. today I'm going to have a reasonably-priced sandwich for lunch, and then a cupcake that's half the price of the sandwich for dessert.
..and think about how citizens from the Euro Zone visiting America have it so much better. although recently the exchange rate is sort of pleasant.
I miss Ozzie's Soda Fountain. The new upscale cafe clearly does not serve ice cream floats.
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