36 glen drive, mill valley, ca. $2.195 million
I really like places with lots of windows for natural sunlight.
Had only one class today, USP2: The Urban World System. (I added an urban studies and planning–USP minor.) Had to buy 4 textbooks for that class + a reader ($94). Total I spent at the campus bookstore today was $261.11 for those 4 USP books + The Politics of New Germany (for Poli120B) + International Political Economy (for Intl102). Yes, I like how all my classes relate to each other. Still need a macroecon textbook. I'll ask the professor tomorrow if there's a significant difference between the UCSD custom edition and the regular 4th edition. If not, $14 on amazon vs. $50 at bookstore. Whee-o~ textbook shopping!
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