Good god, its not that difficult people!
Recommend: thumbs up (262) thumbs down (12)sunny_jim_rolph 9/20/2009 7:05:40 PM
Go for a walk, down a busy street, in a shopping district perhaps. Look around you. Look at all the distracted little lambs wandering this way and that, people on their cell phones, texting, looking in windows, mezmerized by all the bright shiney things therein. These are the very same people in the cars next to you, hurdling along at 60+ miles per hour in a two ton fire burning collection of metal, plastic and rubber; they're hands maybe on the wheel; their minds only God knows where. These are the same people that share the highway with you, most of them sheep, clueless, barely able to walk intelligently down the sidewalk.
If you choose to drive, DRIVE. Engage. Drive with purpose. Drive with integrity and precision. Focus. Think about your physical surroundings for a change. Think about the power under your foot, in your hands. We're depending on you. Our safety depends on you.
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