for the headphones geeks.
Read through this review of a portable headphone amp. Like wtf?! Did you even know there are headphone amps??!
But I think I do want some Caffeine..
Quite unnecessary, yes I know. I probably listen to music too loudly already, or mostly I just listen to music for prolonged periods of time. Good thing it's sold out, though. Else I might actually buy it.
Ehh I am kinda getting in-the-know about headphones/earbuds. The right side of my V-Modas starting going off a week ago already. Gyahh! and I've only had them since early November! Blahh! Darnit I really should have listened to the reviews, but I just couldn't resist since they look so effing bomb. Plus I was getting too irritated with my roommates so I need a good pair of noise-isolating earbuds. (I was using the crap apple earbuds that came with my iPod, though when I'm in my room I usu. use my Sony MDR-V6, but that doesn't drown out my Korean roommate LOLing and clapping and stomping her feet in dumbass hilarity while watching Korean shows. ) Gyahhk so now I have to send those back to get a new pair. But the packaging's in my dorm room, so will only be able to do that when I get back to school. I KNOW I will NOT survive without sound-isolating earbuds at school for 2 weeks. o m g I would die. So what have I decided on?
I don't think I'm getting pink, though.
But gyahhk! I spent 70$ on V-Modas, and then I'll spend $40 on these, made me wonder if I should have gotten Shures first-off. But NO. Not Shures. They look weird. And the bass isn't so good. I LOVE the bass on the V-Modas. When I first listened to music on my V-Modas, it was like "WOW. i HEAR and feel the bass." Wonderful. And definitely quite good mids and highs. (70$ earbuds wtf do you think?!) And so now on my MDR-V6 or anything else, I have to really try to hear the bass in some music. Oh, plus, I really like the slanted plug/jack whatever you call it on the V-Modas, instead of having a straight vert or horizontal one and having to bend it. From the reviews, looks like the FMJs should suffice well for me.
I've seen some Skullcandys in the UCSD bookstore. I hope they have these, and at a bit lower price.
Aahk my standards for things keep going up, but my money's not increasing much.
(Also because I bought a mixer and a CDJ. >___<;;
and I should be practicing right now instead of blogging.)
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