Show Your Bones (mediafire .rar)
Release Date: 28.03.2006
Label: Interscope
Genre: Indie
Rating: Quite Good. Buy.
Read Rolling Stone Review or NME review: 4/5
1. Gold Lion ★
2. Way Out
3. Fancy
4. Phenomena ★
5. Honey Bear
6. Cheated Hearts ★
7. Dudley
8. Mysteries
9. Sweets
10. Warrior
11. Turn Into
12. Deja Vu ★
Yeah, just skim through the reviews that I linked to. I like Fever To Tell a bit better, (that's one of my favourite albums) but I agree with the reviews, this is a solid sophomore album though not as Karen-O—crazy.
Hope you guys had a spooky Halloween!
Things were uneventful here on campus, though I've seen a few okay/good costumes. I miss trick-or-treating on Russell when I was a little kid, and all the uber-cool house decorations and festivities and friendly people in the lovely Elmwood neighborhood.
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