maanantai 31. elokuuta 2009
sunnuntai 30. elokuuta 2009
F—k me I'm buying a Holga.
Looking at these pictures is too much for me.
The Best Holga Photos from Flickr April 2009, holgablog
lauantai 29. elokuuta 2009
torstai 27. elokuuta 2009
BLOW UP SF, designer drugs
Finally, I will go clubbing. At a hella tight electro-indie nightclub in SF (as opposed to at a typical boring hip-hop sleazerish club). Would have gone to seen Designer Drugs at the Subsonic Tent at BFD earlier in June if the Offspring hadn't been headlining at the main stage at the same time. I was pleasantly surprised that the Offspring was so fun.
keskiviikko 26. elokuuta 2009
Civilized City Contest
flashbrella, guangzhou
One 20-year-old college student who was serving as a crosswalk guard in downtown Guangzhou said his parents, who work for the government, forced him to volunteer for the duty. He looked embarrassed and bored as he stood on the curb wearing a yellow sash and carrying a matching flag that said, "Please wait for the green light."
"I don't really understand this 'Civilized City' campaign. It seems so silly," said the student, who only gave his surname, Chen, because he feared he would run afoul of the government and his parents. "Every year we do this stuff for a few weeks, and when the inspection is over, things go back to normal. People continue jaywalking and littering. It's just a show."
By William Foreman, AP
Glad I didn't go to Guangzhou the two times I've visited China. Had the chance though, but extremely hot weather, and the danger of being pickpocketed.. so didn't go.
tiistai 25. elokuuta 2009
pano;; wallet
Work was dismal today. No one wants sushi on a (relatively) cold Monday? Monday nights are usually good. Mehh.
Reading Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami. Checked out Jack Kerouac's On The Road from the BPL today.
80spurple warehouse 30-70% off sale started today. Ughh I hate it when I buy stuff that was on sale, but then later check back to see it's marked further down. x[ Oh wells.
Adding to my 80spurple purchases: a Nixon black leather bifold wallet.
I've been wanting a guystyle wallet for a while.
Packing for home after summer session, I forgot to put my bottle of clear nail polish in my suitcase, so I put it haphazardly in my backpack, in the section where I put lots of junk including my scientific calculator that I've mostly used just to calculate my test scores (ex. 38 / 45 = ...?) and my deck of death cards and my wallet.
In the plane getting up to leave the aircraft, waiting in cue, I opened up that section of my backpack to retrieve my cell phone, and yes.. the absolutely noticeably smell of nail polish. Great. and it had gotten on my black Volcom girl fake leather large checkbook style wallet. I've only had that wallet for a year. Of course it's still usable, but because it's got all these sections, I put hecka crap in there including 4 slides of my art from AP studio art last last year and concert tickets and receipts and cards I don't use.
Glad I'm finally getting a guystyle wallet. Won't fit in my jeans' back pocket, but.. yay! Wallets are definitely another item I strongly prefer guystyle than girls.
Also got new clear nail polish.
On another note, I just checked the cell phone bill for the month.
My mom used 771 minutes.
My minutes usage: 170.
maanantai 24. elokuuta 2009
lifeguard stand
1960s diana plastic camera, kodak 400UC film. sunrise on waikiki beach.
all in-camera, no photoshop. eyetwist@flickr
I hella want a Holga or a Diana camera.
I'm going to Waikiki for vacation in September.
sunnuntai 23. elokuuta 2009
chinatown streetfair
lauantai 22. elokuuta 2009
keskiviikko 19. elokuuta 2009
tiistai 18. elokuuta 2009
sunnuntai 16. elokuuta 2009
The Leaf
Das Design haben sich Seungkyun Woo und Junyi Heo ausgedacht. Im Standby wickelt man sich das Handy einfach ums Handgelenk, wo es sich mit Sonnenenergie auflädt. Die Idee ist ziemlich genial, denn das Handy hat man immer dabei, wenn man unterwegs ist – wieso es also nicht auch unter Sonne aufladen? Und das ewige Problem der ausgebeulten Hosentaschen erledigt sich dann auch.
"The Leaf" nennt sich das Handykonzept und orientiert sich hierbei an der Funktionsweise der Photosynthese. Auf der Oberseite sind Solarzellen zum Aufladen angebracht. Doch auch auf der Rückseite befinden sich Zellen, welche durch eine speziell angepasste Basisstation aufgeladen werden können. Somit ist auch an sonnenfreien Tagen das Aufladen an der Steckdose kein Problem.
Bleibt nur abzuwarten, wann die umweltfreundliche Idee Marktreife erhalten wird.>Gadget der Woche
lauantai 15. elokuuta 2009
Health Care Reform
Why We Need Health Care Reform, NYtimes>opinion
August 15th, 2009
11:00 pm
Recommend Recommended by 736 Readers
As a US citizen, a medical doctor currently living in Germany, a country where health care is universally available for its residents at affordable rates, I might have some perspectives on this debate you haven't yet run across.
What I find most astounding about our US health care system is not only how many people don’t have coverage (some 46 million, and going up). But rather, how fragile and precarious health care coverage is for so many people who think they are well insured.
How does our US health care system compare? Let's go through some important points in the universal health care system in Germany, which I'm very familiar with:
Here in Germany you are mandated to have standard comprehensive health insurance:
your employer pays half the monthly family premium, you pay the other half,
•you don't get rejected because of any previous condition,
•you don't pay more or less working for a large or small business,
•you don’t pay more or less if you are male or female, black or white, German or foreign born, gay or straight,
•the rates don't go up if someone in the small (or large) business gets sick,
•health insurance is not a consideration when changing jobs or careers because you take the policy with you,
•you don’t lose your policy if you get sick, if you become unemployed, or even if your employer goes out of business,
•you won’t be billed for “out of network” services in hospitals or elsewhere - these services are part of your coverage, no matter which hospital or team of doctors treats you,
•you don’t have annual, lifetime, disease-related, or disease-recurrence caps,
•you won’t be billed at 20%, 30% or more for expensive medications (“price-tiered” pharmaceuticals), because there is no "tiering", legally approved pharmaceuticals are fully covered when you need them, even if they're very expensive,
•nor will you ever go bankrupt due to unpaid and unaffordable medical bills piling up, - that simply doesn't happen – you enjoy completely comprehensive coverage.
•Also, forget expensive copays ($40/year max. for doctor visits @$10 per quarter, a few dollars per prescription, a minimal meals expense during a hospital stay.
•Forget too the denials, the constant slog of endless 0800 calls (yours and your doctor’s) to your insurance company for requests for coverage or adjustments, wasting huge amounts of people's time, energy, and productive capacity every business day - this doesn't happen in Germany, because this is a comprehensive coverage system (which is an important reason why it's so efficient).
I might add that Germany is a democratic country with a freely elected government; its residents are free people – this is not "Russia". In fact, this is the country with long stretches of Autobahn without speed limits, right? (Here, it’s your responsibility to drive safely, and most do.) People here freely change jobs, careers, and locations without any regard for health insurance, and they are free of the fear of going bankrupt or losing their homes or life’s savings if they were to get seriously ill, because their comprehensive insurance protects them from that!
Germany and its residents are not going broke paying for this, either. On the contrary, this fair, efficiently run health care system costs roughly a third less per person that the US system - that's right, about 1/3 less per capita – despite (or because?) everyone being on board and receiving comprehensive health care.
That figure doesn’t come from rationing, long waits to see a doctor, or long waiting lists to get an operation, either—that doesn’t happen here. What that figure does reflect, however, is just how much waste, duplication, and gouging of consumers must be taking place in the US health care system every day.
My point in describing the German health care system is not to encourage you all to move to Germany, but to prove to you, that for one-third less money than you currently already spend, you should be getting comprehensive, universal health care, like every resident of Germany does (yes, including all immigrants!). But you're not.
May I humbly suggest: advocate, and work with your friends and neighbors for health care reform now, absolutely including a strong public plan, which is the lynchpin for any meaningful reform.
Don't let the lobbyists, their surrogates on TV, or their gun-toting mobs and pre-organized advocates at town hall meetings, scare you, confuse you, or drown out your voices yet again.
It is time to face up to this national challenge as adults, and finally join the peoples of the 17 (seventeen!) other advanced democracies (not "Russia", but, yes indeed, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Japan, S. Korea and even Taiwan!) around the world, who already enjoy the benefits of universal, comprehensive, and affordable health care.
We absolutely can grab this bull by the horns, and get this job done this year!!!
Dr. med. Frederick B. Lacey Jr.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
What I find most astounding about our US health care system is not only how many people don’t have coverage (some 46 million, and going up). But rather, how fragile and precarious health care coverage is for so many people who think they are well insured.
How does our US health care system compare? Let's go through some important points in the universal health care system in Germany, which I'm very familiar with:
Here in Germany you are mandated to have standard comprehensive health insurance:
your employer pays half the monthly family premium, you pay the other half,
•you don't get rejected because of any previous condition,
•you don't pay more or less working for a large or small business,
•you don’t pay more or less if you are male or female, black or white, German or foreign born, gay or straight,
•the rates don't go up if someone in the small (or large) business gets sick,
•health insurance is not a consideration when changing jobs or careers because you take the policy with you,
•you don’t lose your policy if you get sick, if you become unemployed, or even if your employer goes out of business,
•you won’t be billed for “out of network” services in hospitals or elsewhere - these services are part of your coverage, no matter which hospital or team of doctors treats you,
•you don’t have annual, lifetime, disease-related, or disease-recurrence caps,
•you won’t be billed at 20%, 30% or more for expensive medications (“price-tiered” pharmaceuticals), because there is no "tiering", legally approved pharmaceuticals are fully covered when you need them, even if they're very expensive,
•nor will you ever go bankrupt due to unpaid and unaffordable medical bills piling up, - that simply doesn't happen – you enjoy completely comprehensive coverage.
•Also, forget expensive copays ($40/year max. for doctor visits @$10 per quarter, a few dollars per prescription, a minimal meals expense during a hospital stay.
•Forget too the denials, the constant slog of endless 0800 calls (yours and your doctor’s) to your insurance company for requests for coverage or adjustments, wasting huge amounts of people's time, energy, and productive capacity every business day - this doesn't happen in Germany, because this is a comprehensive coverage system (which is an important reason why it's so efficient).
I might add that Germany is a democratic country with a freely elected government; its residents are free people – this is not "Russia". In fact, this is the country with long stretches of Autobahn without speed limits, right? (Here, it’s your responsibility to drive safely, and most do.) People here freely change jobs, careers, and locations without any regard for health insurance, and they are free of the fear of going bankrupt or losing their homes or life’s savings if they were to get seriously ill, because their comprehensive insurance protects them from that!
Germany and its residents are not going broke paying for this, either. On the contrary, this fair, efficiently run health care system costs roughly a third less per person that the US system - that's right, about 1/3 less per capita – despite (or because?) everyone being on board and receiving comprehensive health care.
That figure doesn’t come from rationing, long waits to see a doctor, or long waiting lists to get an operation, either—that doesn’t happen here. What that figure does reflect, however, is just how much waste, duplication, and gouging of consumers must be taking place in the US health care system every day.
My point in describing the German health care system is not to encourage you all to move to Germany, but to prove to you, that for one-third less money than you currently already spend, you should be getting comprehensive, universal health care, like every resident of Germany does (yes, including all immigrants!). But you're not.
May I humbly suggest: advocate, and work with your friends and neighbors for health care reform now, absolutely including a strong public plan, which is the lynchpin for any meaningful reform.
Don't let the lobbyists, their surrogates on TV, or their gun-toting mobs and pre-organized advocates at town hall meetings, scare you, confuse you, or drown out your voices yet again.
It is time to face up to this national challenge as adults, and finally join the peoples of the 17 (seventeen!) other advanced democracies (not "Russia", but, yes indeed, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Australia, Japan, S. Korea and even Taiwan!) around the world, who already enjoy the benefits of universal, comprehensive, and affordable health care.
We absolutely can grab this bull by the horns, and get this job done this year!!!
Dr. med. Frederick B. Lacey Jr.
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Recommend Recommended by 631 Readers
perjantai 14. elokuuta 2009
Eugenia Mandzhieva
Editorial: Last Train Home
Magazine: Issue One Magazine #5, Spring 2009 (UK)
Photographer: Norman Watson
Fashion Editor: Paulus
keskiviikko 12. elokuuta 2009
Scary Caterpillars Attack Honda Civic
This Honda Civic has been completely entrapped by a pack of rare caterpillars along with the rest of the Dutch street it's been parked on. Holland's response?jalopnik
They'll turn into butterflies in four weeks anyways.
tiistai 11. elokuuta 2009
T4E :: Lost and Found 007
01. Ben Parker - Sylva (Crystalix Mix)
02. Weimar - If I Stumble (sunrise mix)
03. David Vendetta - Hold That Sucker Down (vocal mix)
04. Barry Jay - Infused (Original Mix)
05. Lanui - Atomic Tangerine (Original Mix)
06. Niko Pavlidis - Untitled Feelings
07. Tatana - Autumn Sun (Oliver Southey Remix)
08. Marco v - The Man Who Was There (revixed)
09. Kassey Voorn - Offshore (Original Mix)
10. Michal Poliak - Palava (alternate mix)
11. The Airstatic - Te Quiero (mesmerized remix)
02. Weimar - If I Stumble (sunrise mix)
03. David Vendetta - Hold That Sucker Down (vocal mix)
04. Barry Jay - Infused (Original Mix)
05. Lanui - Atomic Tangerine (Original Mix)
06. Niko Pavlidis - Untitled Feelings
07. Tatana - Autumn Sun (Oliver Southey Remix)
08. Marco v - The Man Who Was There (revixed)
09. Kassey Voorn - Offshore (Original Mix)
10. Michal Poliak - Palava (alternate mix)
11. The Airstatic - Te Quiero (mesmerized remix)
86mb 192kbps download (
a very cool mix. Glad I caught the replay on Starts off with a tight downtempo/chill tune, then trance, a little house-y, and trance.
maanantai 10. elokuuta 2009
Myon & Shane 54::Coldharbour Day
1. Oasis - Wonderwall (Myon & Shane 54 Helpless Mix) (2:58)
2. Amster Dyen pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Mat Zo Remix) (0:28)
3. Dakota vs. Talla 2XLC - Johnny The Fox vs. Dante's Peak (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (0:57)
4. Pryda vs. ATB feat. Heather Nova - Melo vs. Renegade (Acapella) (0:57)
5. Myon & Shane 54 vs. Above & Beyond - Helpless (Ian Flux & Thomas Blofeld Remix) vs. Home (2:23)
6. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Home vs. No One On Earth (Acapella) (0:28)
7. Arnej vs. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Dust In The Wind (Deep Dub) vs. No One On Earth (Acapella) (0:32)
8. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells vs. Dave Gahan - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) vs. I Need You (Acapella) (0:42)
9. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells vs. Lost Tribe - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) vs. Gamemaster (Shane 54 Drum Less Dub) (0:28)
10. Rank 1 vs. BT - Symfo (Official Sunrise Festival 2009 Theme) vs. Somnambulist (Acapella) (0:32)
11. Rank 1 vs. Gareth Emery - Symfo (Official Sunrise Festival 2009 Theme) vs. Metropolis (0:35)
12. Gareth Emery vs. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Metropolis vs. On A Good Day (Acapella) (1:54)
13. Duderstadt vs. Store 'N' Forward vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Broken vs. Alone Tonight (Acapella) (3:06)
14. Cass Fox - Touch Me (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (2:08)
15. Christian Cambas feat. The Static Age - Sirens (Squash 84 Remix) (0:28)
16. Myon vs. Ronski Speed feat. Aruna - Albion (Padapella) vs. All The Way (Jonas Steur Dub) (1:11)
17. Christian Cambas feat. The Static Age vs. Myon - Sirens (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Albion (Acapella) (0:28)
18. Christian Cambas feat. The Static Age vs. Andy Moor - Sirens (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Halcyon (0:28)
19. Myon & Shane 54 vs. Andain - All Night Rock & Roll (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Summer Calling (Acapella) (0:28)
20. Myon & Shane 54 vs. Conjure One feat. Sinéad O'Connor - All Night Rock & Roll (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Tears From The Moon (Acapella) (0:57)
21. Faithless feat. Cass Fox - Music Matters (Mark Knight Remix) (1:25)
22. Amiel - Love Song (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (1:18)
23. Sunlounger feat. Kyler England vs. Jakatta feat. Seal - Change Your Mind (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. My Vision (1:54)
24. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Just Listen (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (2:08)
25. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (0:42)
26. Super8 & Tab vs. OceanLab - Elektra vs. Satellite (Acapella) (1:54)
27. Ohmna - Key Of Life (MaRLo Remix) (1:29)
28. Adiva feat. Vicky Fee vs. Stardust - How Does It Feel? (Mÿon & Shane 54 Dub) vs. Music Sounds Better With You (Dub) (1:25)
29. Andy Moor vs. Lange - Stadium 4 (0:28)
30. Super 8 & Tab vs. Kosheen - Helsinki Scorchin' vs. Catch (Acapella) (0:57)
31. Super 8 & Tab vs. Andy Moor vs. Orkidea - Helsinki Scorchin' vs. Year Zero (0:28)
32. Andy Moor vs. Orkidea vs. Darude feat. Blake Lewis vs. Cara Dillion vs. 2Devine - Year Zero vs. I Ran (Gareth Emery Dub) vs. Black Is The Colour (Acapella) (0:57)
33. Three Drives vs. Gareth Emery vs. Delerium - Greece 2000 vs. This Is Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (1:40)
34. Gareth Emery vs. Delerium vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - This Is Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Faces (Acapella) (0:28)
35. ID - ID (0:28)
36. ID vs. Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor - ID vs. Daydream (Acapella) (1:25)
37. Nadia Ali vs. Orkidea vs. Perpetuous Dreamer - Love Story (Andy Moor Dub) vs. Metaverse (Gareth Emery Remix) vs. Sound Of Goodbye (Acapella) (1:25)
38. Signalrunners feat. Julie Thompson - These Shoulders (1:40)
39. Above & Beyond vs. Mr. Pit vs. Cosmos - Shana Can't Sleep (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) vs. Take Me With You (Acapella) (2:23)
40. Above & Beyond vs. Mr. Pit vs. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor - Shana Can't Sleep (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) vs. Air For Life (0:57)
41. Signum feat. Anita Kelsey - Come Around Again (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (2:23)
42. Signum feat. Anita Kelsey vs. Tiësto feat. BT - Come Around Again (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Love Comes Again (Acapella) (0:35)
43. Nalin & Kane vs. OceanLab - Beachball Sky Falls Down (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) (4:17)
44. Matt Cassar vs. iiO - Seven Days And One Week (Myon & Shane 54 Monster Mix) vs. Rapture (Acapella) (1:25)
45. Michael Angelo feat. Jenry R vs. Leona Lewis - Disconnected (Myon & Shane 54 Dub) vs. Bleeding Love (Acapella) (1:40)
46. Bissen vs. Ronski Speed feat. Sir Adrian - Washout (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. The Space We Are (Acapella) (1:25)
47. Bissen vs. First State feat. Anita Kelsey - Washout (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Fallin' (Acapella) (0:57)
48. Bissen vs. Albert Vorne - Washout (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Formentera What? (Gareth Emery Remix) (0:57)
49. Tomcraft vs. Adam White & Andy Moor pres. Whiteroom - Loneliness (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Dub Mix) vs. The Whiteroom (Acapella) (0:57)
50. Tomcraft vs. The Doppler Effect - Loneliness (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Dub Mix) vs. Beauty Hides In The Deep (Acapella) (1:29)
I got up and started dancing.
LOOK at that tracklist!!! All in 64 mins! *speechless*1. Oasis - Wonderwall (Myon & Shane 54 Helpless Mix) (2:58)
2. Amster Dyen pres. Airplay 47 - Be Free (Mat Zo Remix) (0:28)
3. Dakota vs. Talla 2XLC - Johnny The Fox vs. Dante's Peak (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix) (0:57)
4. Pryda vs. ATB feat. Heather Nova - Melo vs. Renegade (Acapella) (0:57)
5. Myon & Shane 54 vs. Above & Beyond - Helpless (Ian Flux & Thomas Blofeld Remix) vs. Home (2:23)
6. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Home vs. No One On Earth (Acapella) (0:28)
7. Arnej vs. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Dust In The Wind (Deep Dub) vs. No One On Earth (Acapella) (0:32)
8. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells vs. Dave Gahan - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) vs. I Need You (Acapella) (0:42)
9. John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells vs. Lost Tribe - Find Yourself (Cosmic Gate Remix) vs. Gamemaster (Shane 54 Drum Less Dub) (0:28)
10. Rank 1 vs. BT - Symfo (Official Sunrise Festival 2009 Theme) vs. Somnambulist (Acapella) (0:32)
11. Rank 1 vs. Gareth Emery - Symfo (Official Sunrise Festival 2009 Theme) vs. Metropolis (0:35)
12. Gareth Emery vs. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Metropolis vs. On A Good Day (Acapella) (1:54)
13. Duderstadt vs. Store 'N' Forward vs. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Broken vs. Alone Tonight (Acapella) (3:06)
14. Cass Fox - Touch Me (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (2:08)
15. Christian Cambas feat. The Static Age - Sirens (Squash 84 Remix) (0:28)
16. Myon vs. Ronski Speed feat. Aruna - Albion (Padapella) vs. All The Way (Jonas Steur Dub) (1:11)
17. Christian Cambas feat. The Static Age vs. Myon - Sirens (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Albion (Acapella) (0:28)
18. Christian Cambas feat. The Static Age vs. Andy Moor - Sirens (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Halcyon (0:28)
19. Myon & Shane 54 vs. Andain - All Night Rock & Roll (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Summer Calling (Acapella) (0:28)
20. Myon & Shane 54 vs. Conjure One feat. Sinéad O'Connor - All Night Rock & Roll (Squash 84 Remix) vs. Tears From The Moon (Acapella) (0:57)
21. Faithless feat. Cass Fox - Music Matters (Mark Knight Remix) (1:25)
22. Amiel - Love Song (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (1:18)
23. Sunlounger feat. Kyler England vs. Jakatta feat. Seal - Change Your Mind (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. My Vision (1:54)
24. Above & Beyond pres. OceanLab - Just Listen (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (2:08)
25. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - Faces (0:42)
26. Super8 & Tab vs. OceanLab - Elektra vs. Satellite (Acapella) (1:54)
27. Ohmna - Key Of Life (MaRLo Remix) (1:29)
28. Adiva feat. Vicky Fee vs. Stardust - How Does It Feel? (Mÿon & Shane 54 Dub) vs. Music Sounds Better With You (Dub) (1:25)
29. Andy Moor vs. Lange - Stadium 4 (0:28)
30. Super 8 & Tab vs. Kosheen - Helsinki Scorchin' vs. Catch (Acapella) (0:57)
31. Super 8 & Tab vs. Andy Moor vs. Orkidea - Helsinki Scorchin' vs. Year Zero (0:28)
32. Andy Moor vs. Orkidea vs. Darude feat. Blake Lewis vs. Cara Dillion vs. 2Devine - Year Zero vs. I Ran (Gareth Emery Dub) vs. Black Is The Colour (Acapella) (0:57)
33. Three Drives vs. Gareth Emery vs. Delerium - Greece 2000 vs. This Is Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (1:40)
34. Gareth Emery vs. Delerium vs. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge feat. Meighan Nealon - This Is Silence (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Faces (Acapella) (0:28)
35. ID - ID (0:28)
36. ID vs. Markus Schulz vs. Andy Moor - ID vs. Daydream (Acapella) (1:25)
37. Nadia Ali vs. Orkidea vs. Perpetuous Dreamer - Love Story (Andy Moor Dub) vs. Metaverse (Gareth Emery Remix) vs. Sound Of Goodbye (Acapella) (1:25)
38. Signalrunners feat. Julie Thompson - These Shoulders (1:40)
39. Above & Beyond vs. Mr. Pit vs. Cosmos - Shana Can't Sleep (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) vs. Take Me With You (Acapella) (2:23)
40. Above & Beyond vs. Mr. Pit vs. Above & Beyond vs. Andy Moor - Shana Can't Sleep (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) vs. Air For Life (0:57)
41. Signum feat. Anita Kelsey - Come Around Again (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) (2:23)
42. Signum feat. Anita Kelsey vs. Tiësto feat. BT - Come Around Again (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Love Comes Again (Acapella) (0:35)
43. Nalin & Kane vs. OceanLab - Beachball Sky Falls Down (Myon & Shane 54 Mashup) (4:17)
44. Matt Cassar vs. iiO - Seven Days And One Week (Myon & Shane 54 Monster Mix) vs. Rapture (Acapella) (1:25)
45. Michael Angelo feat. Jenry R vs. Leona Lewis - Disconnected (Myon & Shane 54 Dub) vs. Bleeding Love (Acapella) (1:40)
46. Bissen vs. Ronski Speed feat. Sir Adrian - Washout (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. The Space We Are (Acapella) (1:25)
47. Bissen vs. First State feat. Anita Kelsey - Washout (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Fallin' (Acapella) (0:57)
48. Bissen vs. Albert Vorne - Washout (Myon & Shane 54 Remix) vs. Formentera What? (Gareth Emery Remix) (0:57)
49. Tomcraft vs. Adam White & Andy Moor pres. Whiteroom - Loneliness (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Dub Mix) vs. The Whiteroom (Acapella) (0:57)
50. Tomcraft vs. The Doppler Effect - Loneliness (Myon & Shane 54 Summer Of Dub Mix) vs. Beauty Hides In The Deep (Acapella) (1:29)
320kbps, 146mb | 192kbps, 88mb | Myon & Shane 54::International Departures 007
Myon & Shane 54 are definitely on my list of djs I really wanna see.
I also want almost every one of the songs in this set.
=[ I missed practically all of Coldharbour Day because I had class that day and wasn't home til kinda late and it had ended already. But yay for the interweb can easily find and dl mixes! =D
I want that 4hr Markus Schulz mix.
perjantai 7. elokuuta 2009
Best of the East Bay Party
The East Bay Express celebrates its winners of the 2009 Best of the East Bay issue at the Oakland Museum of California. The party is poised to surpass last year’s blow out.
(wtf! I didn't even know about last year's! AHHG! That's a Bay Area Girl fail moment. >___<;;)
More than 12,000 guests are expected this year at the Oakland Museum of California. (seriously??! zomg.)
This year six stages will feature over twenty bands including:
• On the Amoeba Main Stage hosted by Bukue One:
Superfinos VTO
Mystic Rage
CU Next Weekend
7th Street Band
The Thrill of it All
Dizzy Balloon formerly known as PANDA !!!
Souls of Mischief
The Heavenly States
Swann Danger
Social Unrest
• The Electronica Underground hosted by Syd Gris (Opel Productions):
Dyloot, Dresden & Johnston plus Mephisto Odyssey
• From R&B to metal, a wide range of great East Bay sounds including:
Stephanie Crawford & Trio, Valerie Troutt and many more!
More Arts & Entertainment:
• The Professional Contact Sports Ring will host mixed martial arts, capoeria, and Lucha Libres
• The DAI Style Lounge will showcase more than forty local, independent designers and host makeovers and a fashion show
• In the Gearhead Garage, Godspeed will give performance bike demos and Harley Davidson will display their finest hogs
• The Illuminated Corridor with a site specific light art performance
• Live Art demonstrations by Blick Art
• An International Dance Stage
• Comedians, Drag Shows and more
Kid friendly activities:
The Chabot Space & Science Center’s Kids’ Zone (ages 10 and under) with a variety of fun hands-on activities and music from 5pm-9pm including:
• “Day in the life of an Astronaut” Blackholes activities, Astronaut Trainings, Space Potty Toilets, Balance Beams, Robotic Arms, Astronaut Demo Suits & Compressor Rockets
• Live bands courtesy of BandWorks from 7:45-9pm
• Magicians, activities, hands on projects and games throughout the evening
Adults must be accompanied by a cool kid at all times in the Chabot Space & Science Center’s Kids Party Zone.
When it’s time to feed your hunger or quench your thirst a variety of local restaurant vendors will be available onsite with tasty treats and beverages at economical prices.
When: Friday, August 7, 2009
Where: Oakland Museum of California, 1000 Oak Street
Time: 5pm – midnight
Admission: Free
Attendance: All Ages
Getting there: Two blocks from Lake Merritt BART, free valet bike parking by EBBC
More than 12,000 guests are expected this year at the Oakland Museum of California. (seriously??! zomg.)
This year six stages will feature over twenty bands including:
• On the Amoeba Main Stage hosted by Bukue One:
Superfinos VTO
Mystic Rage
CU Next Weekend
7th Street Band
The Thrill of it All
Dizzy Balloon formerly known as PANDA !!!
Souls of Mischief
The Heavenly States
Swann Danger
Social Unrest
• The Electronica Underground hosted by Syd Gris (Opel Productions):
Dyloot, Dresden & Johnston plus Mephisto Odyssey
• From R&B to metal, a wide range of great East Bay sounds including:
Stephanie Crawford & Trio, Valerie Troutt and many more!
More Arts & Entertainment:
• The Professional Contact Sports Ring will host mixed martial arts, capoeria, and Lucha Libres
• The DAI Style Lounge will showcase more than forty local, independent designers and host makeovers and a fashion show
• In the Gearhead Garage, Godspeed will give performance bike demos and Harley Davidson will display their finest hogs
• The Illuminated Corridor with a site specific light art performance
• Live Art demonstrations by Blick Art
• An International Dance Stage
• Comedians, Drag Shows and more
Kid friendly activities:
The Chabot Space & Science Center’s Kids’ Zone (ages 10 and under) with a variety of fun hands-on activities and music from 5pm-9pm including:
• “Day in the life of an Astronaut” Blackholes activities, Astronaut Trainings, Space Potty Toilets, Balance Beams, Robotic Arms, Astronaut Demo Suits & Compressor Rockets
• Live bands courtesy of BandWorks from 7:45-9pm
• Magicians, activities, hands on projects and games throughout the evening
Adults must be accompanied by a cool kid at all times in the Chabot Space & Science Center’s Kids Party Zone.
When it’s time to feed your hunger or quench your thirst a variety of local restaurant vendors will be available onsite with tasty treats and beverages at economical prices.
When: Friday, August 7, 2009
Where: Oakland Museum of California, 1000 Oak Street
Time: 5pm – midnight
Admission: Free
Attendance: All Ages
Getting there: Two blocks from Lake Merritt BART, free valet bike parking by EBBC
more details: Best of the East Bay Party Blog
Party Guide (flash—if you can grab a hard copy of the express [free], it's the insert)
See you there!
I'm so effing tired right now. I would have crashed an hour ago but felt like I had to blog this and finish up a few other things online.
Went to electro pop rocks last night with some friends. Fun. =D
Will write a backdated entry on it later.
Currently listening to Zero7, album: Simple Things.
Acid-jazz/trip-hop. Very nice, especially when tired and 130+ bpm trance is unthinkable.
I have not listened to any trance in more than the last 24 hours. Wow.
keskiviikko 5. elokuuta 2009
t-mobile skydives
A skydiver almost goes upside-down as he approaches Justin Herman plaza. T-Mobile celebrated the official launch of its new myTouch 3G phone with an aerial event over the San Francisco skyline. On August 5, 100 skydivers parachuted into Justin Herman Plaza as fly-by jets lit up the sky with colored smoke over the Embarcadero, Justin Herman Plaza, Marina Green Park, Pier 39 and Moscone Recreation Center.
Photo: Lance Iversen / The Chronicle
tiistai 4. elokuuta 2009
maanantai 3. elokuuta 2009
anzevino & florence
anzevino & florence - women's memory fabric dress
what a cute dress. + pleats & pockets!
But a bit pricey and it's already sold out in my size. =[
I got back home on saturday night.
Most likely won't be blogging as much for a little bit.
I need to clean up my home living room, so I can use my laptop on my computer desk instead of actually on my lap or on my chair while sitting on the sofa.
So far, I've put all (or all that I've found so far) of my collection of rave flyers in a shoebox.
sunnuntai 2. elokuuta 2009
Sgt. Kevin Locicero, left, and Capt. Bruce Elliot of the Niagara County Sheriff's Department examine a flatbed towing truck that drove into a swimming pool in Lockport, N.Y. on Thursday, July 30, 2009. Police said that the Buffalo-area tow truck driver was juggling two cell phones, texting on one and talking on another, when he slammed into a car and crashed into the swimming pool.Driver texts, talks, hits car, crashes into pool, ap/sfgate
He doesn't have a lawyer yet because he hasn't returned his text message...
Recommend: (267)(8)
hedley_lamar7/30/2009 12:09:43 PM
Texting, talking, driving, slamming, side-swiping, crashing, and splashing—
lauantai 1. elokuuta 2009
"dude, a drunk dude on a bike just ran into my car and smashed the windshield with his head. then rode off as my neighbor went chasing him."
Blogitekstit (Atom)
For example, "hands off my health care" is an absurd slogan that feeds off anti-government sentiment and does not take into account the fact that Medicare is a government program and that the insurance industry has deprived Americans of basic health care rights — i.e., either these people have little health care now, so that there is nothing for the government to take its hands off of; or, to the extent that they do have health care, that care is provided via Medicaid and Medicare, which are government programs. Moreover, if the government really took "hands off" the life of its citizens, these ninnies would not have public schools, police departments, fire departments, roads, Medicare, Social Security, unemployment insurance, a minimum wage, worker's compensation, the armed forces, public sanitation, or the swine flu vaccine (which is being developed and will be distributed by public health facilities). And so on.
I deplore and resent the stupidity that has been tapped by the health care industry to deprive me and my family of the benefits of what is, basically, a very good bill. (And yes, I've read it — and it's not really 1013 pages, because it is set in 14-point type and double-spaced — plus like most bills, much of the provisions are procedural, not substantive.) "Resent," because my professional options have been sharply limited by the fact that my insurance is not portable; I cannot do the public sector work that I would like to do, and for which I am abundantly qualified, because I would have to give up the coverage that my family needs and which is provided by my private sector employer.
The reasons that the health care bill, with the public option, may be defeated are not related to anything that is actually in the bill. those reasons are the unscrupulous, deplorable, immoral greed of the health care industry; the greed and moronic ideology of the members of Congress that take Big Health's money; and the unbelievable ignorance and malleability of an American public that could not reason its way out of a paper bag, let alone make careful decisions about a complicated issue. Re the latter, our educational system is at fault; and not only do other nations have better health care than we do, but those nations also have a more intelligent, educated populace. We will pay for our deficiencies in a 21st Century world.